Telegram is a messaging app with a large user base. It’s perfect for quick, private conversations. But if you want to make your messages look nicer, there are a few things you can do. First, open the message you want to edit and tap on the three lines in the top left corner. This will open up the message’s details screen. Next, tap on the three lines in the top right corner and select “Formatting” from the menu that pops up. This will open up a new screen where you can change how your message looks. Here are some of the options you can choose from: ..

Telegram’s message editing feature works much like Slack’s. You can edit a previously sent message in private chats and groups, but it will be tagged as “Edited.” The steps for doing this are different for each platform. We have covered instructions for Telegram’s Android, iPhone, and Desktop apps below.

RELATED: How to Select and Edit Messages with the Up Arrow in Slack

Edit Sent Telegram Messages on Android

You can edit messages in the Telegram app on Android using a long-press action. To get started, select the conversation where you want to edit a message.

Next, find the message in the chat, and simply tap and hold.

The message will be selected, and you’ll see a toolbar at the top of the screen. Here, tap the edit button represented by a pencil icon.

You can now edit the message in any way that you want (The original message will be shown above.). Once you’re done, tap the checkmark button.

You will now see the updated message with the “Edited” tag next to it.

Edit Sent Telegram Messages on iPhone

On your iPhone, open the Telegram app and navigate to the conversation where you want to edit a sent message.

Find the message and simply tap and hold.

From the pop-up menu, choose the “Edit” option.

Now you will see the original message above the text box. You can edit the message as you wish. Once you are done, just tap the checkmark button.

The edited message will be sent with an “Edited” tag next to it.

Edit Sent Telegram Messages in the Desktop App

Fan of the Telegram desktop apps for Mac, Windows, and Linux? So are we. Telegram provides a native, reliable messaging experience for your desktop. Plus, the Telegram desktop apps are fully featured and include the ability to edit sent messages.

To do this on the desktop app, first, open the client on your computer, then go to the conversation that contains the message you want to edit.

Find the message that you want to edit and right-click on it. Here, choose the “Edit” option.

Edit the message, then click the checkmark button to send the edited message.

You will now see the updated message with the “Edited” tag in the chat.

Trying to decide which WhatsApp alternative is the best? Here’s our breakdown of the two frontrunners—Signal and Telegram—and how they compare when it comes to privacy and features.

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